Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II
1926 - 2022
Kings Worthy Parish Council are deeply saddened and pay tribute to a life dedicated to the service of the country. Through good times and bad, your devotion to duty has been unwavering. The Council and Parish offer our deepest sympathies to The Royal Family at this difficult time. Your Majesty you will be profoundly missed.
Book of condolence
A virtual royal Book of Condolence is available here.
A public book of condolence will be available at Lionel Tubbs Hall from Monday 12th September.
There are also public books of condolence at the Great Hall, Winchester Guildhall, Winchester Cathedral and St Marys Church.
Floral Tributes
The Parish Council will be laying a wreath outside Tubbs Hall at 3.30pm on Sunday 11th September.
Those wishing to lay floral tributes are welcome to do so outside Tubbs Hall.
You may also lay tributes at Winchester Cathedral, the Great hall or at Abbey Gardens.