Invitations to Tender
Please note the email address for tender submission (including the Grounds Maintenance Tender) is: Form of submission does not afffect the submission deadline.
Fraser Road Play Area Tender
Kings Worthy Parish Council is inviting companies to submit responses to its Invitation to Tender for the repair and replacement of damaged equipment at Fraser Road play area. Due to a fire, multiple items in the play area were damaged including surrounding surfacing and fencing.
Details of the works required, replacement equipment specified and tendering information (including submission documents) can be found in the tender pack below. Clarifications and or updates will be published here as an when received.
Additional information
Closing date for tender submission: 11.59 pm on 20th August 2023
Late tenders will not be accepted.
Kings Worthy Parish Council does not bind itself to accept the lowest or any tender.
Those submitting tenders must ensure they complete the Tender Submission Documentation including any additional documentation required.
Please ensure documentation is returned to the Kings Worthy Parish Council office in a sealed envelope and marked 'Fraser Road Play Area Tender'.
Electronic copies should be submitted to with subject heading 'Fraser Road Play Area Tender'
Tender documentation:
Fraser Road play area tender pack
Updated Fraser Road Tender Documentation
Grounds Maintenance Tender
Kings Worthy Parish Council is inviting contractors to tender for our Grounds Maintenance Contract covering approximately 10.4 hectares over 12 sites.
The Parish Council is seeking tenders for a 3 year contract period. The price submitted should be the total sum (excluding VAT) for the specified contract period.
The Parish Council reserves the right to extend the contract by up to one year and this will be subject to inflationary costs.
Companies wishing to tender should be suitably qualified and experienced with commercial grounds maintenance contracts.
Three referees are to be submitted with Tenders, including those for contracts of similar scale.
Contract commencement date: 1st October 2023
Contract end date: 30th September 2026
Closing date for tender submission: 12 Noon on 4th August 2023
Late tenders will not be accepted.
Kings Worthy Parish Council does not bind itself to accept the lowest or any tender.
Those submitting tenders must ensure they complete the Tender Submission Documentation.
Please provide a copy of your relevant Liability Insurance as specified in the conditions of contract and a copy of your Health & Safety policy.
Please find the Tender documentation below:
Grounds Maintenance Tender Documentation
- Contract agreement & conditions of contract
- Grounds Contract Specification - See updated documentation below for changes.
- Site maps & information
- Map of Parish Council litter bins
- Grounds-Contract-Interview-Tender-Evaluation-Criteria
Please note: The current grounds contractor has indicated that none of the staff employed on this contract spend the majority of their time solely on this contract. They therefore consider that the TUPE Regulations do not apply in this case.
Grounds Maintenance Tender Submission Documentation
- Non Collusion Declaration (PDF)
- Non Collusion Declaration (WORD)
- Tender Submission Document (PDF)
- Tender Submission Document (WORD)
- Maintenance Schedules & Summary Pricing Schedule - See updated document above
Please ensure documentation is returned to the Kings Worthy Parish Council office in a sealed envelope and marked 'Grounds Maintenance Tender'.
Alternatively, you can email your submission to by the same deadline.